Sunday, January 27, 2019

Book Report: Nevada by Imogen Binnie

Nevada is a story of Maria, a thirty-ish trans woman living in Brooklyn and working a shitty job in a bookstore, getting fucked up and riding her bike around town trying to figure out a way to break up with her girlfriend, Stacy. Then Stacy breaks up with her, Maria gets fired, and then Maria borrow-steals Stacy's car and ends up in Star City, Nevada, a few weeks later. She meets James, who is 20, works at Wal-Mart, is distant and kind of terrible to his too-good-for-him girlfriend and jerks off to porn involving men who are turned into women by magic. Maria sees a lot of herself in James, and decides that the reason for her quest is to help him overcome his gender issues. She convinces him to go on a road trip to Reno with her. However, she's totally condescending and monologue-y to him on the trip, and he ditches her and has his girlfriend come pick him up.

I enjoyed the book a lot more when Maria was just fucking up her own life and not projecting her fucked-upness onto others. She seemed like a cool person for the first half of the book, making mistakes and being emotionally withdrawn from her relationships, but at least enjoying who she was and what she was doing on her own time. Maybe she should have just stayed where she was.

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